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The Conscious Creation Course

Reprogram your
subconscious mind and FINALLY

Manifest Those

The Conscious Creation Course

Reprogram your
subconscious mind and FINALLY

Manifest Those BIG DREAMS 

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Whether you want more money, love, health, inner peace, or to live with more passion and purpose...  

The Conscious Creation Course is a step-by-step program that will show you how to reprogram your subconscious mind in order to manifest it!

The Truth is...

If you don't change on the subconscious level you won't get the results you're looking for.

Most people don't know they have limiting subconscious beliefs that are blocking their manifestations. 

But it's not your fault!

As children we were never taught how to work with the our subconscious to create our reality. Remember in school how they told us "follow your dreams" and "you can be anything you want to be"? 

Well, while you might have believed that on a conscious level, simultaneously you were subconsciously taking on limiting beliefs from your parents, caretakers, teachers, and society.

Beliefs of unworthiness, doubt, and fear led to programming an disempowered mindset of lack and limitation.

Think about how old you are and how many years you have been subconsciously thinking those same thoughts over and over again.

More than 99% of your life is driven by your subconscious!!!

Isn't that wild?

If you want to start making BIG SHIFTS and 10x your manifestations, you have to start changing on a deeper subconscious level.

Who this course is really for?

Are you someone who...

âś“ is stuck in the same old repeating cycle?

âś“ is frequently paralyzed by fear, doubt, or anxiety?

âś“ needs guidance finding their purpose or direction?

âś“ tried other methods but you're still not able to manifest the "BIG" things?

âś“ feels like making improvements to your life is taking way too long?

âś“ looking for support from a coach and community?

The Conscious Creation Course was developed to...

âś“ teach you how to intentionally manifest your dream life.

âś“ identify what is holding you back—and then release it on the subconscious level.

âś“ reprogram and rewire your subconscious so you align with your conscious vision.

âś“ provide you with tools you can take away and continue to use to create a successful life.


I'm going to show you how to reprogram your subconscious mind so that you can start creating the life you've always wanted...What do you say?

This isn't just a course about's a 


In this program, you're going to learn...

âś“ EVERYTHING you need to know about manifestation in one course

âś“ How to work with ALL the Laws of the Universe

âś“ How to get clear and specific with what you ACTUALLY want in all aspects of life

âś“ How to create a POWERFUL vision for yourself

âś“ How to work with negative thoughts and emotions

âś“ What the right type of action is to take

âś“ How to overcome limiting beliefs that are holding you back

âś“ How to expand beyond your comfort zone

âś“ How to reprogram and rewire your subconscious mind

âś“ How to change your relationship with MONEY and attract more of it

âś“ How to embody more self-love

âś“ How to attract a Soulmate

âś“ How to let go of the HOW and trust the Universe.


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This program includes:

âś“ 6 Transformational Modules 

âś“ 3 BONUS Modules

âś“ 6 Hypnosis Recordings 

âś“ 3 EFT Tapping Recordings



Here's what people are saying...

Let's Break Down Each Week...

Week 1- Creating a Clear Vision

âś“ Understand ALL of the Laws of the Universe to become a more powerful manifestor

âś“ Discover the power of creating an aligned vision

âś“ Uncover your core values

âś“ Get to the bottom of what you ACTUALLY want in life

âś“ Create a powerful vision that will undoubtedly manifest


Week 2- RELEASE Part I

âś“ Understand the importance of your vibrational alignment to the manifestation process

âś“ Learn how to work with negative thoughts and emotions

âś“ Release negative emotions using TIME Techniques

âś“ Learn how to raise your vibration


Week 3- RELEASE Part II

âś“ Uncover the subconscious beliefs that have been blocking your manifestations

âś“ Release ALL Limiting Beliefs and Decisions with TIME Techniques

âś“ Learn a process to release anxiety

âś“ Overcome self-sabotage, negative self-talk, procrastination, and perfectionism


Week 4- Reprogram

âś“ Revisit your vision now that you have released the blocks

âś“ Reprogram new beliefs, identities and values using NLP, Hypnosis and EFT

âś“ Create a practice to continue reprogramming moving forward

âś“ EFT tapping Meditation

âś“ Hypnosis Recording


Week 5- Manifest that Money, Honey

âś“ Understand what money ACTUALLY is and how to attract more of it

âś“ Uncover your beliefs around money that have been blocking it from flowing

âś“ Create a new relationship with money

âś“ EFT tapping into abundance

âś“ Hypnosis-Money mindset

âś“ Daily practices to adopt an abundance mindset


Week 6- Meeting the Universe Halfway

âś“ Discover the RIGHT type of action to take when manifesting

âś“ Learn how to get back into alignment when you feel uninspired

âś“ Learn how to step out of the comfort zone

âś“ Learn to let go of the HOW my manifestation will show up

âś“ Create an action plan that will help you maintain inspirational momentum

âś“ Hypnosis Recording


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When you sign up, you also get these amazing


In this bonus module, Certified Human Design Reader and Coach, Haila Macedo will be teaching you how to use your personal Human Design to make more aligned decisions, and become more powerful manifestor! 

In this bonus module, Spiritual Coach and Astrologer, Cam Martin will be leading you through a workshop where you're going to look at several aspects in astrology that influence the way you manifest your personal reality.

The course helped me to reconnect with the beauty of life, the miracle of being alive, the happiness of being able to walk, to breathe..." -Alissia B.

Meet Your Instructor...

Hello! My name is Jon and I am a Manifestation & Mindset Coach. 

I'm here to help you release the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of you stepping into the highest most authentic, most abundant version of yourself so that you can manifest the life you desire and you deserve!

I used to be extremely depressed, anxious, and lacking direction or purpose. I was working “9-5” jobs that were unfulfilling, living paycheck-to-paycheck, and was thousands of dollars in debt. I was unhappy and I was broke.

Hitting rock bottom put me on a healing path that sparked my awakening and introduced me to Manifestation.

It transformed my life and I have since become an expert at conscious creation. 

Using subconscious reprogramming tools I went from thousands of dollars in debt to running a multiple 6-Figure Business all within a year.

Now I want to help you to do the same. 

Jon is a Board Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), TIME Techniques, Life & Success Coaching, Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), NeuroBreathwork Practitioner, Reiki Level II Practitioner, and Soundhealing Practitioner.


Let's Recap...

When you join the Conscious Creation Course, you get...

✓ 6 Transformational Modules 

âś“ 3 BONUS Modules

✓ 6 Hypnosis Recordings 

✓ 3 EFT Tapping Recordings 

✓ And oh so much MORE


I'm Ready!

So now it's time for you to make one of two choices...


Option A

Do nothing. And if you choose doing nothing, then nothing changes. 

Option B

Take inspired action and invest in yourself, now!
Simply click the button below and I will be waiting for you on the inside.  
Don't miss out on the chance to transform your mind and your life.  
You CAN do it!
With the right mindset, with the right tools, and the right support you can transform your life and the lives of others in the world. 
So don’t waste another year dreaming about what could be.

Join me now and make your dreams a reality!

"Money and material goods manifested in unexpected ways, right from the beginning, and each new manifestation has felt like a gift. I'm so grateful I was able to take this course and work with Jon." -Serra T.

Frequently Asked Questions

"Just do it! You will have fun doing deep spiritual work. And you’ll learn how to turn on the faucet of abundance."

-Jenn P


So what's the investment Jon?

Regular Price $597

Yours today for $298

here's what's included...

✓ 6 Transformational Modules 

âś“ 3 BONUS Modules

✓ 6 Hypnosis Recordings 

✓ 3 EFT Tapping Recordings 

✓ And oh so much MORE

I'm Ready!